Teaching Strategy Description: Students complete module 1 of Health Promotion 101. Using the Toronto Health Profiles, they research the community they are located in to identify major factors that impact the health of the individuals in that neighbourhood. Using the factors that impact health, students are asked to identify the programs and services offered by […]
Teaching Strategy Description: Students complete a fill-in-the-blanks style questionnaire to discover and analyze root causes in a vulnerable community. The example questions below demonstrate the flow of the activity and are intended to be used following a viewing of the film “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. Questions: Fill in the blanks below to […]
Skills Online is a continuing education program developed by, and offered through the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). It offers a collection of self-directed and facilitated modules that help build the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada: Release 1.0 (PHAC, 2007). The Modules contain content specific […]
Teaching Strategy Description: In groups of 2-3, students identify and describe a target population using epidemiological and other sources of data related to community context, key health determinants, and perspectives on health. They propose the implementation and evaluation of population-focused health interventions that are knowledge informed. They consider principles of primary health care and sustainability […]
Teaching Strategy Description: Students are placed in groups of 5-7 to collect subjective data through a windshield survey and objective data from community statistics. A 15 minute presentation is given in class demonstrating how this data relates to the six environments (social, natural, built, environmental hazards, current health status and health system performance). Teaching Context: […]
Teaching Strategy Description: The Calgary Family Assessment Model is integrated into the curriculum through both theory and clinical courses. In this activity, students practice simulated interviewing of families through role playing and case-study based learning. Following the in-class lessons, students then conduct live family assessments with a family in the community Teaching Context: Third year […]
Journal Article
Practice Tool
Teaching Strategy Description: Working in groups of 3-4 per placement, students learn and apply the community health nursing process using two of four key practice tools. Students are in the placement 6 hours/week for a total of 72 hours. Additional one hour conferences are held weekly with their faculty. Clinical placements for “community as client” […]
Teaching Strategy Description: Students assess an assigned community of interest and work with an assigned community-based organisation partner for a 10 week period using progressive inquiry questions with their population. The students prepare 2-3 simple, strength-based questions guided by faculty that will help the team get to know the organization members and build relationships with […]
Teaching Strategy Description: In groups of 2-3, students identify and describe a target population using epidemiological and other sources of data related to community context, key health determinants, and perspectives on health. They propose the implementation and evaluation of population-focused health interventions that are knowledge informed. They consider principles of primary health care and sustainability […]