Identifying Major Factors that Impact the Health of Specific Neighbourhoods
- Online Module
- Website
Teaching Strategy Description:
Students complete module 1 of Health Promotion 101. Using the Toronto Health Profiles, they research the community they are located in to identify major factors that impact the health of the individuals in that neighbourhood. Using the factors that impact health, students are asked to identify the programs and services offered by TPH that address these concerns, noting if there are gaps in services. Students are asked to observe a program to determine how a population-based approach influences the services being offered, and to identify specific determinants of health that influence the participants that attend the program.
Teaching Context:
- Orientation to Toronto Public Health
Ontario Health Promotion Resource System. Health Promotion 101 Module 1. Retrieved from
Public Health Agency of Canada. Population Health Template. Retrieved from
Toronto Health Profiles Partnership (2015). Retrieved from
Submitted by: Anne Wenger, Toronto Public Health
Indicator(s): 2.2, 2.3, 2.4