Campus Service-Learning Projects
- Journal Article
Teaching Strategy Description:
Students are invited to participate in service learning projects across the campus. Some examples include:
- Mobile immunization clinics for flu vaccines
- Sexual Consent Month
- Planning and delivery of sexual consent awareness initiatives
- Developing a presentation and skit that will be presented to several first-year classes
- Sexual health promotion
- creating a YouTube video that will provide an overview of a standard visit to the campus health clinic
- creating a list of sexual health promotion tweets and links for the university’s Twitter account
- Mental health at the university
- Creating awareness of mental health resources for students
- Offering various stress relief activities including yoga, sleep, and hygiene
- Bystander intervention techniques for mental health
Teaching Context:
- Clinical experience course
Falk-Rafael, A., & Betker, C. (2012). “Witnessing Social Injustice Downstream and Advocating for Health Equity Upstream ‘The Trombone Slide’ of Nursing.” Advances in Nursing Science 35(2): 98–112.
Reutter, L., & Eastlick Kushner, K. (2010.) “Health equity through action on the social determinants of health: taking up the challenge in nursing.” Nursing Inquiry 17(3): 269–280.
Submitted by: Drs. Audrey Steenbeek; Adele Vukic; Andrea Chircop; Ingrid Waldram; Megan Aston, Dalhousie University
Indicator(s): 4.1, 4.2, 4.3