Creating an Advocacy Plan for Old Crow, Yukon

Teaching Strategy Description:

Students are asked to write out a potential advocacy plan related to the issues of food security and climate change in Old Crow, Yukon. Students are to structure their plan according to an advocacy campaign template from the Community Tool Box. The template asks them to identify the overall goal of the plan, resources and assets (including those that are personal and a budget), support and opposition (e.g. potential allies and opponents to the plan), possible targets of change as well as agents of change, strategies to be used, and action steps.

The “Vuntut Gwitchin Climate Change and Health Research in Northern Yukon” project was a three phase food security and climate change initiative that began in Old Crow Yukon in 2008. During the second phase of the project in 2009, four youth were trained on filming and videography skills and produced their own short trailers, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” to express to the community and others their concerns related to food security and climate change in Old Crow.

Teaching Context:


“The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” Filmed in Old Crow, Yukon

The Work Group for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas. Community Tool Box. “Chapter 30, Section 7: Developing a Plan for Advocacy”.

Submitted by: Catherine Bradbury, RN BScN Med, Yukon College

Indicator(s): 4.2