Creating Health Education Materials for the Public

Teaching Strategy Description:

Students have the opportunity to apply the theory learned in the classroom about plain language and social marketing principles when developing health education materials (e.g. fact sheets, posters, tri-folds) and when speaking to clients.  Students also created a Facebook page for the Peer-Peer Health Promotion Program and regularly update it.

Teaching Context:


Chappel, J. Clear Language (PowerPoint presentation). Retrieved from iapa2001/ClearLanguage.ppt.

Plain Language (2014). Before and After Example of Plain Language. Retrieved from http://

Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J., Jessup-Falcioni, H., & Viverais-Dresler, G. (2011). Community health nursing in Canada. (2nd Canadian ed.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Mosby.

Vollman, A., Anderson, E.T., & McFarlane, J. (2012). Canadian community as partner: Theory and ultidisciplinary practice. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.


Submitted by: Diane Dowling, Julie Dyke, Heather Jessup-Falcioni, Denise Kall, Joan Martin Saarinen,Kim Sheppard, Laralea Stalkie, and Kay Vallee, Laurentian University

 Indicator(s): 5.1, 5.2