Public Health Agency of Canada: Skills Online

Skills Online is a continuing education program developed by, and offered through the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). It offers a collection of self-directed and facilitated modules that help build the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada: Release 1.0 (PHAC, 2007). The Modules contain content specific to Canadian public health practice and are available for anyone to use, including faculty and students. The self-directed modules can be taken at any time while the facilitated modules are offered over 8 week timeframes in the fall, winter and spring. The Modules contain content that crosses Domains and may be used to support the integration of more than one competency.

For more information visit the Skills Online website.

For Domain 5: Communication in Public Health Nursing, the following modules contain applicable content:


Note: There is a cost associated with the facilitated modules; self-directed modules are offered at no cost